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Formats for daFun of It!

Our formats were created for you the tourney player! I would like to welcome any host to use our formats. My only request is that you use the same name to make things less confusing for all our players. Enjoy and happy hosting to all! ~ Hugs from daPrincess

101 Dalmations
If you have the 10 and the Ace of the same suit, you bid 1. € Everyone else bids regular. €

9 to 5 from __Spark
·-:¦:-· Hand 1 - If you have either Red 9 - bid 9 or nil. If you have both, just bid 9. Hand 2 - Red 8 - bid 8 or nil. Both, bid 8. Hand 3 - Red 7 - bid 7 or nil. Both, bid 7. Hand 4 - Red 6 - bid 6 or nil. Both, bid 6. Hand 5 - Red 5-bid 5 or nil. Both, bid 5. 5-Hand Limit. ·-:¦:-·

Accuracy from Wild__Texan
First bidder must get exactly what they bid (1st bidder NOT team bid). If you do You get a Point, Yes first bidder can Nil, All other players bid 2. If First bidder bags or sets THEN Opps get a point. First team to 4 points wins :¦: 7-Hand Limit.

Ace High, No Low
~ .:*:. ~ Holder of Ace of Spades bids regular but tells his/her pard to nil (Remember: only one Ace of Spades per deck, LOL), other team must bid regular but NO nils for them! ~ .:*:. ~

Aces Wild from +Wild_Princess
Black aces bid 4 pts each, Red aces bid 3 pts each, All 4 aces bid 13 ~ NO aces, bid NIL ~ Almost always a 14 bid LOL ~ 6-Hand Limit

Aces Rule from SH_Nightwing
Bid only the ACES. If you have the Ace of Spades, you bid 4, Ace of Hearts bid 3, Ace of Clubs bid 2, Ace of Diamonds bid 1. If you have more than 1, you add the bids together. If you have none you bid NIL, total bid will always be 10.

Bid Your Faces
·-:¦:-· Simply bid the number of face cards in your hand (King, Queen or Jack the bid will always be 12. ·-:¦:-·

Bid Your Hand By Numbas
Hand 1 - Team bids 1 -- Hand 2 - Team bids 2 -- Hand 3 - Team bids 3 - Hand 4 - Team bids 4 -- Hand 5 - Team bids 5 -- Hand 6 - Team bids 6 - Hand 7 - Team bids 7 -- Hand 8 - Team bids 8. (Nils count as zero) 8-Hand Limit.

~ .:*:. ~ Red'n'Black Blizzard ~ First Bidder and their pard always bid red cards. ~ Second Bidder and their pard always bid black cards. ~ No Dnils and Nil only if you have none of your suit. ~ .:*:. ~
Example: First pard picks hearts and bids the number of hearts, their pard has to bid the number of diamonds. Second Bidder picks clubs and their pard has to bid number of spades. You need to declare what suit you are bidding on the table. ~ .:*:. ~

Bouncing Ball
1st bidder tells either 2nd or 4th bidder to bid the same. Everyone else bids regular. Example: 1st bidder bids 4 and tells 2nd bidder to bid the same (4), 3rd and 4th bidders bid regular. € Dnils allowed. €

Can Ya Count? from +MistressSlave4u of WhamBam
1-2-3-4 ok that is all there is to it, First bidder bids 1, Second bidder bids 2, Third bidder bids 3 and you guessed it, Fourth bidder bids 4! Got it?? Bid is always 10.

Dnil Flip
First hand is Suicide, Second hand is Dnil Suicide (1 pard dnils). Hands alternate between the two.

Dnil Suicide
ONE member of each team MUST BID double nil. The other team member bids normally.

Double Dip
~ .:*:. ~ Total bid is always 10. ~ .:*:. ~ If you have Ace of Hearts you bid 4, wohoooo you get daDouble Dip. All other players bid 2. ~ .:*:. ~

Duck to Donald
»{•}« Player who has Ace of Spades tells his Pard (known as "Donald") to NIL. »{•}« Donald then chooses one of his opponents to NIL. »{•}« You might call this "Forced Suicide" LOL »{•}«

Escape From Witch Mountain
Queen of Clubs after daTwin Bids »{•}« If you have the QUEEN OF CLUBS you BID 5 and your pard bids reg »{•}« Your Opponents each BID 2, They are the twins! »{•}«

Flip/Flop Wild Fire's first original format
·-:¦:-· 8-hand limit til finals. First hand is Suicide then Mirrors....rest of game flip/flops between the two.

Hang Em High
·-:¦:-· Ace of Spades Bid 4 -- King of Spades Bid 3 -- Queen of Spades Bid 3 -- Jack of Spades Bid 3 ·-:¦:-· Always 13-Bid ·-:¦:-· If you have none of them, bid nil or double nil.

High Rollers from Aladdins_Host
For each ACE you have, you bid 3.
No ACE, bid NIL. Bid is always 12.

Jack Be Nimble
Team with Jack of Diamonds must bid a total of 7. Other team must bid a total of 6. -=[€]=- Always a 13 bid. -=[€]=-

Leapin's Lizzards from Magic_Diva
First bidder bids DNIL -:¦:- Everyone else bids 5 -:¦:- Best 3 out of 5 games advance -:¦:- 5-Hand Limit Games -:¦:- Finals - best 2 out of 3 games  -:¦:~

Market Place
Get your bids here...one per customer! We have 4 bids available - 1-2-3-5. First bidder gets his choice. Second bidder gets choice of 3 bids remaining. Third bidder has choice between 2 bids left. Last bidder gets leftovers...LOL. Bid is always 11.

You bid the number of spades you have in your hand. If you have no spades, you nil. If you have 5, you bid 5. Total bid always equals 13.

Mirrors - Clubs
Bid the number of clubs in your hand, if you have 4 clubs, bid 4. If you have 0, nil. Bid always totals 13. Dnil allowed only if you are last bidder and bid totals 13.

Mirrors - Diamonds
Bid the number of diamonds in your hand, if you have 4 diamonds, bid 4. If you have 0, nil. Bid will total 13. Dnil allowed only if you are last bidder and bid totals 13.

Mirrors - Hearts
Bid the number of hearts in your hand, if you have 4 hearts, bid 4. If you have 0, nil. Bid always totals 13. Dnil allowed only if you are last bidder and bid totals 13.

Nil for Me Baby
First bidder MUST Nil. Everyone else MUST bid 4.  Total bid always 1

One Is The Loneliest Number
First bidder bids ONE, everyone else bids FOUR. Total bid is 13 every hand.

Princess' 7 and 7 Suicide
First 2 bidders, each bid 7 -:¦:- Second 2 bidders, each bid NIL -:¦:- Best 2 out of 3 games advance -:¦:- 5-Hand Limit Games -:¦:- No DILS -:¦:-

€{@}€ 6-Hand format €{@}€ One key hand, the first one. First hand only, everyone BIDS NIL €{@}€ Hands 2 - 6 regular spades with NO NILS allowed.

Queen of the Nil from Penuche2
No queen in hand you must go nil. ~ If you have queen in hand, bid regular but no NILS. ~ No Dnils allowed.

Saturday Special
First Bidder picks the format: choices are Suicide, Mirrors or Reg Spades. D'nils allowed.

Spades Bomb from Crazy_Major
First 2 bidders, each bid 13 -:¦:- Second 2 bidders, each bid DNIL -:¦:- Best 2 out of 3 games advance -:¦:- 5-Hand Limit Games -:¦:-

ONE member of each team must nil or double nil. The other team member bids normally.

Every hand one team member must NIL and one team member must BID the number of SPADES in their hand.

Swing In The Jungle
If you have King of Spades, bid 3 for Tarzan € If you have Queen of Spades, bid 3 for Jane € If you have both, bid 6 € Others always bid regular €

Tell Me, Tell Me
Everyone announces how many spades they have. The team with the most spades bids 4 each and the other team bids 2 each. ~ .:*:. ~ Always a 12 bid. ~ .:*:. ~

Three Blind Mice
~ .:*:. ~ Third Bidder Nils, All Others Bid 3. Always a 9-Bid. ~ .:*:. ~

Three For All
Everyone bids 3! ~ Always a 12-bid.

Three 'n' O
The person holding the 3 of Spades tells his pard to nil (No Dnils) and everyone else bids 3. € Remember: Don't bid til you know who has the 3 of Spades! € Always a 9 Bid!

Tiger Stripes
One Orange team member goes nil on odd hands. € One Blue team member goes nil on even hands.

Total 13
All bid regular BUT the last bidder MUST make TOTAL bid 13. ~ .:*:. ~ Example: first bidder bids 2, second bidder bids 4, third bidder nils, then you have to bid 7. Has to be a total of 13. ~ .:*:. ~ Dnils only if you are last bidder and bid totals 13.

Triple the Fun
1st bidder bids regular. 3rd and 4th bidders must bid whatever the 2nd bidder does. Example: 1st bidder bids 4. 2nd bidder bids 2, so 3rd and 4th bidders also must bid 2 each.

Twister's BOTBOY Suicide
•,*˜*,• Twister's BOTBOY Suicide •,*˜*,• Your pard is a Bot, SOOOO You MUST bid NIL Or DOUBLE NIL each hand UNLESS your bot bids NIL first • 6-Hand Limit • Special thanks to kath_ie for use of her "Twisted" format •

Twister's Deja Vu Suicide
•,*˜*,• Twister's Deja Vu Suicide •,*˜*,• Whatever you bid in the first hand, you repeat that bid the rest of the round • One pard MUST bid NIL • 6-Hand Limit • Special thanks to kath_ie for use of her "Twisted" format •

Twister's REFLECTIVE Suicide
•,*˜*,• Twister's REFLECTIVE Suicide •,*˜*,• 
Bidders 1 & 2 MUST bid the same (max bid of 5) and Bidders 3 & 4 MUST bid the same • The format is suicide so either 1 & 2 OR 3 & 4 MUST bid NIL Or DOUBLE NIL • 6-Hand Limit • Special thanks to kath_ie for use of her "Twisted" format •

Twister's SADISTIC Suicide
•,*˜*,• Twister's SADISTIC Suicide •,*˜*,• One pard MUST bid Nil or Dbl Nil, Other pard MUST bid 1 • Best 2 out of 3 games advances to next round • 6-Hand Limit • Special thanks to kath_ie for use of her "Twisted" format •

Twister's Twisted Spades
•,*˜*,• Twister's Twisted Spades •,*˜*,•
First hand is Suicide. One pard must bid NIL Or DOUBLE NIL • Second hand is Reflections. Bid the same as your pard • Alternate the two formats • 8-Hand Limit • Special thanks to kath_ie for use of her "Twisted" format •

Watchin daFire in daMirror
Hands 1/8 Diamond Mirrors - Hands 2/7 Club Mirrors 
Hands 3/6 Heart Mirrors - Hands 4/5 Spades (Reg) Mirrors

Wishes n' Rebounds from Tiger_Baby_DA and +Wild_Princess
The person holding the 4 of Clubs tells one of his opponents or his pard to nil and everyone else bids regular (Nils & Dnils are ok) BUT if the person that is told to Nil has the Ace of Spades, the person with the 4 of Clubs has to NIL. The Nil REBOUNDS.

Whiz ~ Zone Favorite
Bid your spades or NIL.

Wishin On A Three
The person holding the 3 of Hearts tells one of his opponents to nil and everyone else bids regular. Nils & Dnils are ok.

Without A Queen We Are Lost
·-:¦:-· If you have a Queen in your hand, bid regular. But if you don't have any Queens, you MUST NIL. ·-:¦:-· No Dnils. ·-:¦:-·

Ya Got One Choice
.»Ί}:¦:{Ί«. YδGψ†/OnλΗhψiηλ .»Ί}:¦:{Ί«. Pick A Suit First Hand Of Game And Bid That Suit For First Four Hands, You Get To Pick A Different Suit For Last Four Hands. .»Ί}:¦:{Ί«. 8-Hand Limit .»Ί}:¦:{Ί«.
Example: If you bid first and pick Hearts, you bid your Hearts each of the first 4 hands. Each suit can be selected only once and last bidder has to take the suit that is left. .»Ί}:¦:{Ί«. Hand 5 you get to pick a new suit and bid it for the last 4 hands of the game. .»Ί}:¦:{Ί«.


This information is brought to you by Wild Fire Tourneys.
Comments or questions? Contact Wild Princess at wildprincess@comcast.net
Last updated: October 23, 2005.

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